28th November– 2nd December 2023 Nairobi, Kenya
Course Introduction
Water scarcity limits access to safe water for drinking and for practicing basic hygiene and in health-care facilities.
Addressing water scarcity in the Nile Basin, particularly in the context of climate change challenges, requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach involving multiple stakeholders, including riparian countries, regional organizations, and the international community.
This course will highlight the challenges and uncertainties regarding water uses, water scarcity in the Nile Basin, water systems, and water management under the severe stresses of climate impacts and droughts. The course aims to empower participants to contribute to effective water governance and sustainable development in the Nile Basin.
Target Groupparticipants from the Nile basin countries or any other region with basic experience and background on water management, are encouraged to join this course A background in economics or socio-economics will be an added value NBCBN network members and partners from other networks, who are working in the field of research or water management, Impact of Climate Change on water management, are welcomed to participate.
Course Main Topics
- Water Scarcity in Africa and the Nile Basin
- Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources Management
- Data Sources, Tools and Management Techniques
- Drought Risk Reduction and Management.
The Deadline for receiving your online registration form 10-11-2023
upon registering to the course you will receive a confirmation email from NBCBN with further application requirements.